Jason Liu

Agent Vax

The learning game for promoting vaccination.

The Problem

Low vaccination compliance rate

While the national goal is to vaccinate 70% of the population in order to reach herb immunity, the overall vaccine uptake rate is only half of this goal. The compliance rate among the population aged 18~24 is even lower.


Some misconceptions about flu and vaccines mainly cause the low compliance rate among the youth population. According to the research, around 55% of college students don't think the vaccine effectively prevents the flu.

Target Audiences

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College students

This learning game targets college students because while they have the lowest compliance rate toward vaccination, they are more likely to think the game-based learning is useful. Also, according to the research, they have a higher tendency to learn with digital tools like mobiles and computers.


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Learning game - Agent VAX

The game is formed up of three parts. First, players will watch some debrief videos to acquire crucial information about viruses and vaccines. In the second part, they will have to apply their knowledge to identify the people (represent by dots) at high risk and provide them vaccines to eliminate the transmitting avenue. At the end of each level, a review section will indicate how the player performs in the game and provide feedback to them.

Questions, comments?

Leave me comment below or email me at syl583@nyu.edu